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Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Lithuanians:Part 26 Road to Independcence - Kelias į Nepriklausomybę

# 26 - Idomioji Lietuvos Istorija 1988 - 1990
Part 26 Interesting History of Lithuania 1988 - 1990

Nepriklausomybė - Independence

The Road to Independence begins in earnest. "The Baltic Way" was one such demonstration on August 23, 1989, approximately two million people joined hands to create a 373 mile / 600 km long human chain from Vilnius, Lithuania through Riga, Latvia to Tallinn, Estonia.

Road to Independence - The Baltic Way August 23, 1989
See additional programs today - in process of being edited. A most Interesting Independence movement of a people taking "FREEDOM" - "YES" taking FREEDOM back after 50 years

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