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Sunday, December 06, 2009

The Lithuanians: Merry Christmas - Don't be intimidated by all the PC correctness

Don't be intimidated by all the PC correctness. It is not correct to infringe upon Freedom of expression. This Freedom is guaranteed by the US Constitution along with Freedom of Religion. [and in many lands that are Democracies]

Be afraid when a few gain the right to take away Your Freedoms afforded in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.

December 25TH is Christmas Day. Celebrate it as you see fit and wish all you encounter a proper Greeting of "Merry Christmas."

Others can also offer a Greeting of their choice. It is their right.
But if we lose our Rights, then be afraid of the consequences if we don't Speak Up.

Too much Blood and Treasure has been and is being spent to protect Our Freedoms. Defend your rights.

Keep PC in the arena of Personal Computers.
Since when have you found a Politician to be PC, Politically Correct - remind them to read the Constitution to protect your Rights, as they swore to uphold. Enough of these 101 Lectures every other day.

Linksmu Kaledu ir laimingu naujuju metu linkiu jums
Merry Christmas and I wish you a Happy New Year.

Laisve - Freedom

The Lithuanians Voice - Lietuviu Balsas

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