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Monday, January 09, 2012

Civic Interest: The Debates

Civic Interest: The Debates

As a blogspot editor in my home Town of Milton, Massachusetts and a Town Meeting Member. One of my tasks is to keep up with civic involvement and add to the citizens knowledge base by providing news of events that they might miss, like the Debates.

If you missed the January 7 and January 8 Republican Debates, you can see them at your leisure at the MRTC Blogspot in full view ON DEMAND.

MRTC Blogspot  .

I'm a believer in making events available On Demand. If you heard or saw some sound bites, you can now see the entire segment and be your own judge of what was said or not said.

This is important. 2012 may become a historic year that will impact our future one way or another. Be informed and stay informed.

You can see all the the debates so far by scrolling down the blogspot and click on OLDER POSTS

HOME tab - programs of interest


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