Over the years we built quite a resource in our "The Lithuanians dot Com" website. So, in order to inform you about our resources, we will try to feature various areas from time to time.
I noticed that "Names" seem to be the one single category that draws the most interest. So, lets begin here. Lithuanian First Names. This Chapter is found in the book we sponsor, "The Lithuanians" by Juozas Kudirka.
In 2001, I began an Etymology of Lithuanian First Names, but this was not enough. People were looking for true Lithuanian first names not guessed at or so called "invented" or Slavic names that were not Lithuanian. So, an intensive effort got started to put out as good a list as possible.
The result was the inclusion of the list in one of my Yahoo Groups. But that was not enough. So, It was published in our second edition The Lithuanians website. That one ran out of free space, so we launched a new website with much more capacity.
Go to our The Lithuanians website and to the NAMES tab. Go to the Overview of Lithuanian First Names and see The Lithuanian First Names It includes an Alphabetical list of over 3,500 First Names and a short Etymology section.
At least read the Introduction. It will provide you with some information that may be new to you. You will notice a few letters missing in the alphabet. They don't exist in the Lithuanian alphabet. But that is another feature at a later date.