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Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Lithuanians Voice: Radio Broadcast

Hear today's broadcast from "The Lithuanians Voice" featuring a cross section of Lithuanian entertainers. The Best of the Best.
Hear Vytautas Kernagis, Aleksandras Makejevas, Sadunai, Stasys Povilaitis, Edmundas Kacinskas, and Marijonas Mikutavicius: quite a line up of Lithuania's finest.
Even if you do not understand Lithuanian, you will love hearing great music not requiring anyone to understand the words. Or, if you are learning Lithuanian, this will give you a chance to practice listening to words you have learned.
We are back to our original server, still awaiting a transition - upgrade. Our programs will be updated at "The Lithuanians" website and you can resume hearing and seeing new material. There is a brief mention of this in the radio broadcast.
Look for programs to update at TLTV tab PREVIEW OF PROGRAMS and LOG IN at the MEMBER ARCHIVE as a subscriber. Programs are in the process of being updated. See, Saturday's Baskeball Game at TV-1 in the Member Archive: Joining other games already there - also will show up in the PREVIEW
Our new website [raymondbalta] will be used to test new aspects of what we will be doing in the near future. Also, today we are in the process of installing an additional OS [Operating System - LINUX] for possible improvements to our effort. This will be added to our latest machine, "Ateitis" - Future.

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