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Friday, March 28, 2008

The Lithuanians Voice: A Sabaniauskas, V Stankus, A Paukstelis dainuoja - sing

Gradually we are coming back with more of our programing despite the transition - upgrade not yet completed.
Today, hear Antanas Sabaniauskas of the 1920 - 1930 Lithuania era. He is one of the finest entertainers of the time, estradine muzika. And included is a song by Vanda Stankus and several by Aurelia Paukstelis.
We launched a new website,, on another server to bi pass the current server issue faced by our main website, Please note you can still access The Lithuanians during this transition. All the function are working for access from the Internet. Only impact, is management of the site from the inside.
Hear today's broadcast go to the link Preview of Programs and then the usual "The Lithuanians Broadcasts, just below the radio image. This site will expand even more depending on the transition delay.

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