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Friday, March 14, 2008

Meet Some of "The Lithuanians"

Meet Some of "The Lithuanians"

Just Click on the Player

Every once in a while we produce a little movie, a greeting, a thank you or just a hello so members can see what we look like and match a name to a face. Some have posted, some have watched and listened, some are supporters of what we do. But we all care about Lietuvybe. Lithuanian Pride You can too. Just add you photo to your Yahoo Profile when you join "The Lithuanians Yahoo

Want to be in "The Movies" and share our Hello's, Greetings and Thank Yous and Lithuanian Pride?" Of course, you will have to include your name and location. How will we know who you are and how can we share who we are if we are not in "The Movies."

Well, I have to use the last movie made in December, part of our Christmas - Holiday Greeting.

Maybe a few more people will get to see you. Remember, you are appearing on Yahoo, Google and You Tube and now here.

YOU are as famous as all the Lithuanian Basketball players, but not as tall.
So, just have your Greeting ready ........ Hello / Labas and smile

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