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Wednesday, April 02, 2008

The Lithuanians Voice: Raymond Balta - alternate site

Some changes have been made to our alternate website ""
The home page video player has been updated not to start playing as you arrive. You will have a choice of what you decide to see. This player and format is what we may use later to bring you more Lithuanian programs.
Also, additional program links will be located in the Yellow Banner.
Updates of daily programs will be added here along with NEW links.
So, look forward to your favorite daily, weekly and Special programs from Lithuania and programs of our own production. Our radio broadcasts, "The Lithuanians Voice" will be found here and all the television programs.
Thursday, 12:01 AM to 4:00AM EDT the websites will be off line for routine maintenance.
You still can access "The Lithuanians" website during our transitional-upgrade. I'm told that all may be complete by Friday. Again, updates to this website are on hold until transition steps are completed. My apologies for the extended interruption.
YAHOO GROUPS: On April 2, from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM PST: Yahoo Groups will be conducting emergency planned maintenance on the Groups site. During this time, some groups will become unavailable for up to 30 minutes. Mail to some groups may also be delayed for up to 60 minutes.

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