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Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Lithuanians: Where is Algis?

Where is Algis?
I told you that we use a satellite to get our News and some of our other programming. Well we can follow MEMBERS too. A few minutes ago Algis was over the largest population center of Lithuanians in North America, Illinois and Great Chicago in particular.
Now Algis has about 3 hours and 25 minutes before he Lands in LA -[LAX]. If you want to greet him go to Terminal 6, Gate 62 at about 7:30 PDT.
Strike up the band.
He will be quite tired, so don't delay him. Just Greet him - "Labas" [Hello] and wish him a successful return from Lithuania.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Arrival is at about 4:30 PDT, which is 7:30 EDT.