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Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Lithuanians Voice Radio Broadcast - OUR TEAM

Raymond .........Algis............ Ray......... Peter ....

Raymond Balta, Milton, Massachusetts USA: founder, of "The Lithuanians" - webmaster, Group Moderator
Algis Posius, Los Angeles, California, USA: avid supporter, technical support, audio and video expert
Ray Winskus, Bay Area, California, USA: avid supporter, technical support, media expert
Peter Valantinas, Lincoln, England, UK: avid supporter, idea whiz, keeps locating new concepts.
OUR TEAM began very innocently as an aid to our Lithuanian Language Group and the need to find way to teach Lithuanian using audio in 2001. Quite a story. Lithuanian Music began to develop as an interest, which lead to our early radio broadcasts within our Yahoo Group. We built a website or two and then exploded into broadcasting in December 0f 2003. In January we launched our first Radio Broadcast of "The Lithuanians Voice," by buying out side Internet service. Then we launched our own website, third generation in June of 2004. And in 2005 our video effort was reaching the Internet.
So, that's a little about OUR TEAM. The rest, well, what you read, see and hear ... that's the rest of the story.
We are very proud of bringing you Lietuvybe. Enjoy this radio broadcast and the many other programs and announcements we post. Also, visit our website you will find links to all we do there. Just click on the green BUTTONS and off you go.
Today's Radio Broadcast of "The Lithuanians Voice" - get a pop up window to listen while on the computer. Click on the TLTV tab at our website:
Join US, Support Lietuvybe - become a MEMBER SUPPORTER
SUPPORT - CONTRIBUTE - help Lietuvybe, that Lithuanian Spirit stay alive and be spread to all who seek it.

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