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Tuesday, September 08, 2009

The Lithuanians: Lithuanian Labor Day Picnic

I took the opportunity this Labor Day to travel to Brockton, Massachusetts to participate in the revived Labor Day Picnic.

A substantial crowd was present, but the flavor of the Lithuanian Picnic was lost.

Prior to coming to the Picnic we drove through the Lithuanian Village in the Montello section. The old hardware - plumbing store was no more. In its place was a vacant lot. The same can be said fro Zenkys Market, now a vacant lot.

The two Lithuanian clubs are now bars / taverns. Taking Belvieue Street, the Montello Baking Company is also no more, now another vacant lot. Took a turn on the next street and drove up to St Casimer Church. Sad I saw a property for sale sign front.

Then we turned out of the village and drove toward the convent grounds of the Sisters of Jesus Crucified, the site of the picnic grounds.

There was quite a crowd but not familiar to me. While in the food line, I came across a woman who New me from many years ago and I finally recognized. Then, I saw Father, Zukas, Paster of St Peter Parish in South Boston.

We had our Kielbasa, Kopustai [cabbage] and kugelis with a half sour pickle and a Budweiser - no Utenos or Lithuanian Beer.

I took a stroll through the crowd, but did not find a familiar face. However, I saw one of the Sisters and and asked about Sister Mary James, my second Grade teacher at ST Peter School on I Street in South Boston [1950].

The nun pointed her out at a boot in the distance.

I went over and stood in front of her while she assisted someone. We made eye contact, I paused and I think she recognized me. I introduced my self extending my hand an she responded, "This is one of my children" to the nuns around her. We reminisced for a few minutes joyfully. I mentioned the other nuns in my early years at St Peter, Sister Josepha, Sister Emerencia. And then sitting in front of me, "What about me," said Sister Sebastian.

Well this was my highlight to see my teachers from over 50 years ago.

The picnic was a revival for the Brockton Area, but sad to say I saw to few familiar faces.

Maybe another time..

Lithuanian Labor Day Picnic [Headline NEWS for today- thsi dfate]

The group behind the revival of the Lithuanian Picnic in Brockton

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