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Wednesday, September 09, 2009

The LIthuanians: Lithuania's Ethnic Regions

Lirhuania's Ethnic Regions

There are four major ethnic regions in Lithuania:
  • Zemaitija (Western Lithuania),
  • Aukstaitija (Central and Eastern Lithuania),
  • Dzukija (south- eastern Lithuania on both sides of the Nemunas river),
  • Suvalkija (the northern parts to the south of the Nemunas river).
The westernmost part of Zemaitija around the port of Klaipeda is rather different from the rest of this region. It has been known as Lithuania Minor. (A part of what has been known as Lithuania Minor is now included into the Russian Federation and Kaliningrad region (formerly Konigsberg). The formation of Lithuanian ethnic regions was determined by different political, economic and sometimes even religious conditions.
Read in more detail about Lithuania's Ethnic Regions

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