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Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Lithuanians: Lithuania's boundaries Post World War I, 20 years of Independence - and Vilnius

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After World War I, where will Lithuania's capitol be located,

Kaunas, Siauliai, Vilnius
Some historical perspective about Vilnius

Lithuania's Capitol - Amžininkai - Contemporaries

Post World War I Lithuanian intelligencija pondered Lithuania's destiny and Independence. One issue was Lithuania's historical Capitol, Vilnius. This segment covers what occurred in this period from 1918 - 1940.

Poland seized Vilnius after Lithuania declared its Independence [in 1918] and Vilnius became a pawn tossed back and forth in this time period like a chess match.

Eventually the outcome over Vilnius was good and just.

This segment should have preceeded yesterday's - "1939 Lithuania Recovers its Capitol, Vilnius" - Lietuva Atgauna Sostinę Vilnių -

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