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Wednesday, October 07, 2009

The Lithuanians: The Name of Lithuania

The name of the country - Lithuania
"In the east the Svebes washes the shores inhabited by the Aistian tribes (Aestiorum gentes), " this is how, approximately in 98 A.D., for the first time in history, the Roman historian Cornelius Tacitus recorded the name of the Baltic ancestors in his book Germania. This name was used in reference to these tribes for quite a considerable period of time. In the 9-th century a Bavarian geographer mentioned the' name of the Prussians (Bruzi). Lithuania's name (Lituae) was first mentioned in Quedlinburg's annals in 1009. Scholars related Lithuania's name to the verb lieti "to pour". At present most scholars support Kuzavinis' hypothesis which derives Lithuania's name from the name of Lietauka river (tributary of the Neris in the district of Jonava) which could have been called earlier Lietuva."
You can read the complete Chapter [actually quite short] at our LIBRARY tab at our website.
We sponsor the Internet Book "The Lithuanians" By Juozas Kudirka.
The word "lietus" means rain. The country is lush in greenery. So green that there is almost a unique Lithuanian "green" color - also found as the center stripe of the Lithuanian flag.
You can see the Lithuanian flag in your browser window after you click on the above URL link.

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