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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Lithuanians Voice TLTV - Radio Broadcast featuring Robertas Kupstas and more

Some of Lithuania's notable entertainers: Karchema, Jonis, Robertas Kupstas,
Stasys Povilaitis, Zilvinas Zvagulis and Virgis Stakenas are featured in today's
broadcast of "The Lithuanians Voice." Look for the TLTV icon.

Robertas Kubstas will be appearing at the Frackville, PA 96th Annual Lithuanian Days: August 14 & August 15 2010.

Hear the details during the radio broadcast.

Also, hear about the Putnum CT, Lithuanian Picnic July 25

The Lithuianians
TLTV tab The Lithuanians Voice Radio Broadcast

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