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Friday, February 03, 2012

Are You Really Aware? Or are You Being Lulled to..

Are You Really Aware? Or are You Being Lulled to..

This is part of a string I wrote - you may want to take a few minute, invest as few minutes and give some thought to its contents. My experiences started in Europe in 1942, later as a refugee fleeing the advance of Communism and am an ardent student of History - History was taught in school when I attended Grammar School and High School in the US before the Liberals switched to "Social Studies." Plus, I continued studying History and found that Western Civilization History taught in schools missed or misstated about 1/3 of actual History in the Medieval Ages because it was slanted by the historians to their National  and ethnic View. This is one reason for this post - I see History repeating itself and fear that even some of the defenders may be lulled into being defenseless. This is a cautionary personal view.

Have you studied History - between 1918 and 1948? Are you aware of that period and History in General? Have you looked into the backgrounds of politicians, where they get their values - IE parents and circle of friends etc? Do you listen to what people say and actually do? Do you hold them accountable for their actions? There are about 52,000,000 in this country from one single dominant base [not political party] that will follow their immediate leadership over a cliff, or drive into a ditch ever deeper without questioning what is going on wearing blinders and earmuffs. These may be very self centered individuals that only care about themselves and do not give a hoot about the poor or the struggling middle income.

They care about themselves the "Middle Class" - think about all this. We the 100% live in a classless society. Look up what the Middle Class purports to be in a classless society. Then think about the division being talked about. Time to take off the earmuffs, the blinders and open the eyes to what has been going on.

Do we really want more of the same and much much worse? The judges will be there this year to cast their decision. Could be one of the last judgements before we lose even more, or will their be a revival to our former aspirations for our children and grandchildren. Who will take the blame or the credit for the direction we go.

Fearless Leader - has risen and is taking us down - this is the entire message of "History." People are deaf, dumb and blind when it come to "cleverness" - just like the snake oil salesman - beware of what is being sold start at the top of this string again "Have you studied History - between 1918 and 1948?" I think some may miss the message. Many have done this - blind followers of the "Pied Piper." History is repeating itself but worse - and "It is right in the open" and some just don't see it, just don't get it. Remember "Beware of False Prophets?" Well we have a boat load - look around.  Stop, Look and Listen" - the train has to be stopped! I'm talking about the impact on the forest not a few blades of grass.

I'm not a fan of the Wall Street Journal - but I was sent this article - thought provoking- read it .
Henninger: Obama's Maddening, Winning Speech -

I rarely do this - but my concern is that we may be "taken to the slaughter" as the fiddle play. And some will just go along as before unwittingly.

Personal opinion of Raymond Balta, a "Voice"
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