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Monday, August 31, 2009

The Lithuanians: Panorama NEWS

Panorama - NEWS - 8:30 PM - Monday - Vilnius,Lithuania Evening News program. Feature story: Today's news.
See the EXTENDED newscast at our website,"The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab - with FULL VIEW Option at
THE LITHUANIANS VOICE - to bring you "Lietuvybe" - That Lithuanian Spirit

The Lithuanians: Gear "Spread THE LITHUANIANS VOICE"

Pretty soon we will be adding some of our own personal GEAR, THE LITHUANIANS.

This is one of the caps we plan to have available to "Spread THE LITHUANIANS VOICE"
Would you like to be a MEMBER, one of THE LITHUANIANS and support our effort to spread "Lietuvybe" - That Lithuanian Spirit - GET a Subscription and then join out interactive email group.

The Lithuanians: Labas Rytas - Good Morning

Labas Rytas - Good Morning: -. Monday..Lithuania's Morning Show with NEWS, Weather, Musical Interludes, special subjects and the unexpected....

.The complete show seen at LABA DIENA - GOOD DAY .. FULL VIEW Option at our website, "The Lithuanians"

Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Lithuanians: Panorama NEWS

Panorama - NEWS - 8:30 PM - Sunday - Vilnius,Lithuania Evening News program. Feature story: Today's news, just the news.
See the EXTENDED newscast at our website,"The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab - with FULL VIEW Option at

The Lithuanians Voice Radio Broadcast - OUR TEAM

Raymond .........Algis............ Ray......... Peter ....

Raymond Balta, Milton, Massachusetts USA: founder, of "The Lithuanians" - webmaster, Group Moderator
Algis Posius, Los Angeles, California, USA: avid supporter, technical support, audio and video expert
Ray Winskus, Bay Area, California, USA: avid supporter, technical support, media expert
Peter Valantinas, Lincoln, England, UK: avid supporter, idea whiz, keeps locating new concepts.
OUR TEAM began very innocently as an aid to our Lithuanian Language Group and the need to find way to teach Lithuanian using audio in 2001. Quite a story. Lithuanian Music began to develop as an interest, which lead to our early radio broadcasts within our Yahoo Group. We built a website or two and then exploded into broadcasting in December 0f 2003. In January we launched our first Radio Broadcast of "The Lithuanians Voice," by buying out side Internet service. Then we launched our own website, third generation in June of 2004. And in 2005 our video effort was reaching the Internet.
So, that's a little about OUR TEAM. The rest, well, what you read, see and hear ... that's the rest of the story.
We are very proud of bringing you Lietuvybe. Enjoy this radio broadcast and the many other programs and announcements we post. Also, visit our website you will find links to all we do there. Just click on the green BUTTONS and off you go.
Today's Radio Broadcast of "The Lithuanians Voice" - get a pop up window to listen while on the computer. Click on the TLTV tab at our website:
Join US, Support Lietuvybe - become a MEMBER SUPPORTER
SUPPORT - CONTRIBUTE - help Lietuvybe, that Lithuanian Spirit stay alive and be spread to all who seek it.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Lithuanians: Panorama NEWS

Panorama - NEWS - 8:30 PM - Saturday - Vilnius,Lithuania Evening News program. Feature story: Today's news, just the news.
See the EXTENDED newscast at our website,"The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab - with FULL VIEW Option at

LITHUANIAN LABOR DAY PICNIC - Brockton, Massachusetts

  • LITHUANIAN LABOR DAY PICNIC - Brockton, Massachusetts
    There will be a Lithuanian Picnic September 7 - Labor Day

    Located on the Grounds of the
    261 Thatcher Street, Brockton,Massachusetts

    TIME 11 am to 7 pm

    Live Bands
    Pony Rides
    Arts & Crafts
    Face Painting
    Beer & wine
    Rye Breads
    Games of Chance
    HOT DOGS,Hamburgers, Pizza
    Texas Hold 'Em poker

    Bring chairs , blankets, tables
    Beer & wine sold on grounds, do not bring your own due to insurance regulations.

And come to meet old friends and new - brush shoulders with other Lithuanians from the New England area and Beyond.

Friday, August 28, 2009

The Lithuanians: Panorama - NEWS

Panorama - NEWS - 8:30 PM - Friday - Vilnius,Lithuania Evening News program. Feature story: Today's news, just the news.
See the EXTENDED newscast at our website,"The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab - with FULL VIEW Option at

The Lithuanians: Labas Rytas - Good Morning Weekend Edition

Labas Rytas - Good Morning WEEKEND EDITION: -. Friday..Lithuania's Morning Show with NEWS, Weather, Musical Interludes, special subjects and the unexpected....

.The complete show seen at LABA DIENA - GOOD DAY .. FULL VIEW Option at our website, "The Lithuanians"

The Lithuanians: Part 29 Lithuania's Interesting History Presidents 1919 - 2004

029 - Idomioji Lietuvos Istorija Prezidentai 1919 - 2004
Part 29 Lithuania's Interesting History Presidents 1919 - 2004

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Lithuanians: Panorama - NEWS

Panorama - NEWS - 8:30 PM - Thursday - Vilnius,Lithuania Evening News program. Feature story: Today's news, just the news.
See the Complete newscast at our website,"The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab - with FULL VIEW Option at

The Lithuanians: Labas Rytas - Good Morning

Labas Rytas - Good Morning: -. Wednesday..Lithuania's Morning Show with NEWS, Weather, Musical Interludes, special subjects and the unexpected....

.The complete show seen at LABA DIENA - GOOD DAY .. FULL VIEW Option at our website, "The Lithuanians"

The Lithuanians: Part 28 Lithuania's Interesting History 1991, January and August

#28 - Idomioji Lietuvos Istorija 1991 Sausis ir Rugpjutis
Part 28 Lithuania's Interesting History 1991, January and August

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Lithuanians: Lithuanian Labor Day Picnic - Brockton Massachusetts

  • LITHUANIAN LABOR DAY PICNIC - Brockton, Massachusetts
    There will be a Lithuanian Picnic September 7 - Labor Day

    Located on the Grounds of the
    261 Thatcher Street, Brockton,Massachusetts

    TIME 11 am to 7 pm

    Live Bands
    Pony Rides
    Arts & Crafts
    Face Painting
    Beer & wine
    Rye Breads
    Games of Chance
    HOT DOGS,Hamburgers, Pizza
    Texas Hold 'Em poker

    Bring chairs , blankets, tables
    Beer & wine sold on grounds, do not bring your own due to insurance regulations.

And come to meet old friends and new - brush shoulders with other Lithuanians from the New England area and Beyond.

The Lithuanians: Panorama - NEWS

Panorama - NEWS - 8:30 PM - Wednesday - Vilnius,Lithuania Evening News program. Feature story: Today's news, just the news.
See the Complete newscast at our website,"The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab - with FULL VIEW Option at

The Lithuanians: Part 27 - Lithuania's Interesting History 1990 March 11

# 27 - Idomioji Lietuvos Istorija 1990 Kovo 11
Part 27 - Lithuania's Interesting History 1990 March 11

On March 11, 1990 the Lithuanian Seimas [Parliament] unanimously voted that Lithuania is an Independent Free State and denounced Soviet occupation as illegal. This action was followed by pressure to blockade Lithuania in various economic ways without success..
Lithuania continued its peaceful progress and thrived moving forward. Lithuania was the first Soviet Republic to break away. The rest is history with the collapse of the USSR.

The Lithuanians: Labas Rytas

Labas Rytas - Good Morning: -. Wednesday..Lithuania's Morning Show with NEWS, Weather, Musical Interludes, special subjects and the unexpected....

.The complete show seen at LABA DIENA - GOOD DAY .. FULL VIEW Option at our website, "The Lithuanians"

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Lithuanians: Panorama - NEWS

Panorama - NEWS - 8:30 PM - Monday - Vilnius, Lithuania Evening News program. Feature story: Today's news, just the news.
See the Complete newscast at our website,"The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab - with FULL VIEW Option at

The Lithuanians: Part 25 Interesting Lithuanian History 1944 - 1990

# 25 - Idomioji Lietuvos Istorija 1944 - 1990
Part 25 Interesting Lithuanian History 1944 - 1990

The Lithuanians: Labas Rytas - Good Morning

Labas Rytas - Good Morning: -. Tuesday..Lithuania's Morning Show with NEWS, Weather, Musical Interludes, special subjects and the unexpected....

.The complete show seen at LABA DIENA - GOOD DAY .. FULL VIEW Option at our website, "The Lithuanians"

Monday, August 24, 2009

The Lithuanians: Panorama NEWS

Panorama - NEWS - 8:30 PM - Monday - Vilnius, Lithuania Evening News program. Feature story: Today's news, just the news.
See the Complete newscast at our website,"The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab - with FULL VIEW Option at

The Lithuanians: Labas Rytas - Good Morning

Labas Rytas - Good Morning: -. Monday..Lithuania's Morning Show with NEWS, Weather, Musical Interludes, special subjects and the unexpected....

.The complete show seen at LABA DIENA - GOOD DAY .. FULL VIEW Option at our website, "The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab- Browse it

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Lithuanians: Panorama NEWS

Panorama - NEWS - 8:30 PM - Sunday - Vilnius, Lithuania Evening News program. Feature story: Today's news, just the news.
See the Complete newscast at our website,"The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab - with FULL VIEW Option at

The Lithuanians: The Baltic Way The Secret Pact

The Baltic Way 05

Background - Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia swallowed up by Russia and disappear, no longer Independent nations.

The Lithuanians: The Baltic Way 04 How the Human Chain was formed

The Baltic Way 04


The worlds longest human chain - Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia announce to the world their common effort to seek FREEDOM.

"No one has the right to give us rights, they are ours. People have rights as well as countries.
Rights can only be taken away. We want these returned, our rights "

"We told our neighbors to the east and the world, We want to Live. We want to live like people!
"Let there be FREEDOM" - Landsbergis - And the people resound in unison "LAISVE, LAISVE.. "FREEDOM FREEDOM...."

THEN - the Lithuanians boarded buses, took cars to fill the length of the highway to form the human chain of THE BALTIC WAY
- now you have seen how it began and how it was formed in Lithuania, 1.1 Million stepping
in to a human chain and 2.5 million that stretched from Vilnius, Lithuania, though Riga, Latvia to Tallinn, Estonia.

And when the darkness came, there was still light as millions of candles lit to light THE BALTIC WAY.


The Lithuanians: The Baltic Way 03 -How it Began

The Baltic Way 03

How it all began:

The beginning of the Human Chain in Vilnius - from here the World found out about "The Baltic Way."
The secret pact to divide Europe between Germany and Russia in 1939 was revealed. The Three Baltic States would not longer go along with the involuntary occupation and subjugation by Russia. They have no right.

The Three White Crosses Monument was rebuilt in Vilnius in 1989 having been blown up in 1959. Fragments of the crosses were collected and incorporated in the foundation of the rebuilt Monument of Crosses. Spontaneously Crosses started to return all
over Lithuania and about 50 large crosses appeared along the Baltic Way on the eve of the event or early that morning.

About 70,000 gathered on the eve of The Baltic Way event in Vilnius park.

The Lithuanians: Baltic Way 02 - The Event

The Baltic Way 02

On August 23, 1989 2.5 million people held hands from Vilnius Lithuania, through Riga, Latvia ato Tallinn, Estonia. Among these were over 1.1 Million Lithuanians

The Lithuanians: The Baltic Way 01 - 20th Anniversary

Baltic Way 001 - 20TH Anniversary

On August 23, 1989, 50 years after [August 23, 1939] Lithuania fell into the hands of Russia as a result of a Russian treaty with Germany.
This lead to a massive peaceful protest called"The Baltic Way" when 2.5 million people held hands from Vilnius Lithuania, through Riga, Latvia to Tallinn, Estonia. Among these were over 1 Million Lithuanians.
This is one in a series celebrating this 20Th Anniversary

The Lithuanians:Part 26 Road to Independcence - Kelias į Nepriklausomybę

# 26 - Idomioji Lietuvos Istorija 1988 - 1990
Part 26 Interesting History of Lithuania 1988 - 1990

Nepriklausomybė - Independence

The Road to Independence begins in earnest. "The Baltic Way" was one such demonstration on August 23, 1989, approximately two million people joined hands to create a 373 mile / 600 km long human chain from Vilnius, Lithuania through Riga, Latvia to Tallinn, Estonia.

Road to Independence - The Baltic Way August 23, 1989
See additional programs today - in process of being edited. A most Interesting Independence movement of a people taking "FREEDOM" - "YES" taking FREEDOM back after 50 years

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Lithuanians: Panorama NEWS

Panorama - NEWS - 8:30 PM - Friday - Vilnius, Lithuania Evening News program. Feature story: Today's news, just the news.
See the Complete newscast at our website,"The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab - with FULL VIEW Option at

The Lithuanians: Language Lesson - FROG - VARLĖ


  • The frog can jump far.
  • Varlė gali toli nušokti.

  • Toli = far
  • Šokti = to jump.


The Lithuanians Voice: Radio Broadcast Featuring Trys Tigrai

Trys Tigrai - Three Tigers

Today's encore radio broadcast of "The Lithuanians Voice" features Trys Tigrai with a selection of their songs from the album "Try's Tigrai."


Hear other Radio Broadcasts of "The Lithuanians Voice" at our website - get a pop up window to listen while on the computer. Click on the TLTV tab at our website:
Join US, Support Lietuvybe - become a MEMBER SUPPORTER

The Lithuanians: Part 24 Interesting History of Lithuania 1944 - 1953

# 24 - Idomioji Lietuvos Istorija 1944 - 1953
Part 24 Interesting History of Lithuania 1944 - 1953

The Lithuanians: Labas Rytas - Good Morning WEEKEND Edition

Labas Rytas - Good Morning WEEKEND Edition : -. Friday..Lithuania's Morning Show with NEWS, Weather, Musical Interludes, special subjects and the unexpected....

.Seen at LABA DIENA - GOOD DAY .. FULL VIEW Option at our website, the entire program "The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab- Browse it

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Lithuanians: Panorama NEWS

Panorama - NEWS - 8:30 PM - Thursday - Vilnius, Lithuania Evening News program. Feature story: Complete News cast, just the news. See the newscast at our website,"The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab - with FULL VIEW Option. SEE the latest broadcast available at

The Lithuanians: Part 23 Interesting History Of Lithuania 1941 - 1990

23 - Idomioji Lietuvos Istorija 1941 - 1990
Part 23 Interesting History Of Lithuania 1941 - 1990

The Lithuanians: Labas Rytas - Good Morning

Labas Rytas - Good Morning: -. Thursday..Lithuania's Morning Show with NEWS, Weather, Musical Interludes, special subjects and the unexpected....

.Seen at LABA DIENA - GOOD DAY .. FULL VIEW Option at our website, the entire program "The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab- Browse it

. Studio "B"

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Lithuanians: The Annual Lithuanian Days, In Frackville, Pennsylvania

See this slideshow - [01:40]
The Annual Lithuanian Days, In Frackville, Pennsylvania

Click RUN, RUN to OPEN
click ESC key to CLOSE.

The Lithuanians: Panorama NEWS

Panorama - NEWS - 8:30 PM - Wednesday - Vilnius, Lithuania Evening News program. Feature story: Complete News cast, just the news. See the newscast at our website,"The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab - with FULL VIEW Option. SEE the latest broadcast available at
from Studio "B"

The Lithuanians: The Baltic Way 20th Anniversary

The Baltic Way 20th Anniversary

On 23 August 1939, the foreign ministers of the USSR and Germany Vyacheslav Molotov and
Joachim von Ribbentrop signed a treaty which divided the spheres of influence of the two countries
and led to the incorporation of the three Baltic States - Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania - to the then USSR.

50 years later, on 23 August 1989, the three nations demanded recognition of the secret clauses
in the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact and the re-establishment of the independence of the Baltic States.

On the same day, approximately two million people joined hands to create a 373 mile / 600 km long human chain from
Vilnius, Lithuania to Tallinn, Estonia , crossing Riga, Latvia on its way.

The event remains in history under the name “the Baltic Way”.

This event led to eventual Independence of the Baltic States

The Lithuanians: Part 22 Interesting History of Lithuania 1940 - 1941

22 - Idomioji Lietuvos Istorija 1940 - 1941
Part 22 Interesting History of Lithuania 1940 - 1941

The Lithuanians: Labas Rytas - Good Morning

Labas Rytas - Good Morning: -. Wednesday..Lithuania's Morning Show with NEWS, Weather, Musical Interludes, special subjects and the unexpected....

.Seen at LABA DIENA - GOOD DAY .. FULL VIEW Option at our website, the entire program "The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab- Browse it

. Studio "B"

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Lithuanians: Panorama NEWS

Panorama - NEWS - 8:30 PM - Tuesday - Vilnius, Lithuania Evening News program. Feature story: Complete News cast, just the news. See the newscast at our website,"The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab - with FULL VIEW Option. SEE the latest broadcast available at
from Studio "B"

The Lithuanians: TLTV The Lithuanians Voice Radio Broadcast -

THE LITHUANIANS VOICE radio broadcast from August 19, 2007 - a re broadcast.

Photo by Ruta Aviziene, Vilnius, Lithuania of
Vytautas the Great Bridge (bridge Aleksoto) - the bridge over the Nemunas River in Kaunas and some great Lithuanian music.

The Lithuanians: Part 21 Interesting History of Lithuania 1919 - 1920 Wars of Independence

#21 Idomioji Lietuvos Istorija 1919-1920 Nepriklausomybes Karai

Part 21 Interesting History of Lithuania 1919 - 1920 Wars of Independence

The Lithuanians: Labas Rytas - Good Morning

Labas Rytas - Good Morning: -. Tuesday..Lithuania's Morning Show with NEWS, Weather, Musical Interludes, special subjects and the unexpected....

.Seen at LABA DIENA - GOOD DAY .. FULL VIEW Option at our website, the entire program "The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab- Browse it

. Studio "B"

Monday, August 17, 2009

The Lithuanians: Panorama NEWS

Panorama - NEWS - 8:28 PM - Monday - Vilnius, Lithuania Evening News program. Feature story: Complete News cast, just the news. See the newscast at our website,"The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab - with FULL VIEW Option. SEE the latest broadcast available at
from Studio "B"

The Lithuanians: Meet Regina Petrutis and hear Lithuania Remembered

a portion of Lithuania Remembered - rebroadcast on April 1, 2004

Meet one of THE LITHUANIANS, Regina Petrutis of Cape Cod Massachusetts in her own woirds..

Monday August 17, 2009

Well, here goes - maybe you can edit all this

I was born in Kaunas, lived and went to grade school in Vilnius.
Fled Lithuania in 1944 (as a minor) with my mother, Valerie Norvaišiene.
Spent the war in Germany, later in displaced persons camp, in Kassel-Mattenberg.
Arrived in the US in 1949, went to South Boston, some relatives of my mom's
good friend came through with documents for us.
Otherwise we would have gone to New Zealand.

My formative years were spent in South Boston - a very busy community at that time.
I joined everything - dance group, drama club, etc. Was a church choir member for 10 years.

Went to live in Washington DC when I married Alfonsas Peturits who worked for the US government - Voice of America broadcasting - all in Lithuanian. Lived there for 30 years and raised a family.

My mother in the meantime had a summer place on Cape Cod where all Lithuanians
came to spend their vacations - 1950 to 1958. My husband was one of the them.
When he retired in 1986 we came to live in Cape Cod.
Both of us were active in the Cape Cod Lithuanian Community -
My husband and I were presidents of the group.
After I lost my husband and my mother, I rested for a few years and now have again
become president of Cape's Lithuanian Community. That's where you will find me now.

Regina P.

Editors Note: I can blame Regina for introducing me to several Lithuanian Yahoo Groups
and getting my juices flowing on the computer post heart operation in 1999.

Regina is the life line of the Lithuanian American Community on Cape Cod and is constantly helping fellow Lithuanians with any problems or issues they might have. She is there for them..
She and Alfonsas are part of the generation that kept Lithuania alive in the USA.


From Studio "B" our first video clip from the TLTV, THE LITHUANIANS VOICE. You might say testing our internal video equipment and letting you know that we are still exploring alternatives.

. Coming up will be a few programs - clips of "Meet The Lithuanians In Their Own Words."

.You can connect to our Blogspot from our website at the BLOGSPOT tab - plus visit other areas of interest. Maybe even Subscribe to our effort.

The Lithuanians: Labas Rytas - Good Morning

Labas Rytas - Good Morning: -. Monday..Lithuania's Morning Show with NEWS, Weather, Musical Interludes, special subjects and the unexpected....

.Seen at LABA DIENA - GOOD DAY .. FULL VIEW Option at our website, the entire program "The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab- Browse it

. Studio "B"

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Lithuanians: Panorama NEWS

Panorama - NEWS - 8:28 PM - Sunday - Vilnius, Lithuania Evening News program. Feature story: Complete News cast, just the news. See the newscast at our website,"The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab - with FULL VIEW Option. SEE the latest broadcast available at
from Studio "B"

The Lithuanians: Recipe: Keptus Ledus - Fried Ice Cream

Recipe: Keptus Ledus - Fried Ice Cream

  • Ingredients:
  • Ledai - Ice Cream
  • Kiaušiniai - Eggs
  • Kukūruzų Krakmolis - Corn Starch
  • Kukūruzų Dribsniai - Cornflakes
  • NOTE: After "balling" place in freezer for an hour
  • observe the chef

The Lithuanians: The Lithuanians Voice Radio Broadcast - Gimtadienis Šalyje - Birthday Land

Gimtadienis Šalyje - Birthday Land

The Lithuanians Voice Radio Broadcast featuring songs from the "Olia-Lia" Lithuanian Group and wishing all those having a Birthday - "Happy Birthday" - Enjoy these summer voices of the children.

The Lithuanians: Part 20 Interesting History of Lithuania 1918 - 1940

# 20 Idomioji Lietuvos Istorija 1918 - 1940

Part 20 Interesting History of Lithuania 1918 - 1940

The Lithuanians: Do Re Mi

Do Re Mi [4:08]

.The title tells it all. No translation needed from Lithuanian to English. It's the same familiar song you heard Julie Andrews sing.

.Now see and listen the Lithuanian version of Do Re Mi.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Lithuanians: Panorama NEWS

Panorama - NEWS - 8:28 PM - Saturday - Vilnius, Lithuania Evening News program. Feature story: Complete News cast, just the news. See the newscast at our website,"The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab - with FULL VIEW Option. SEE the latest broadcast available at
from Studio "B"

The Lithuanians: Lithuanian First Names

Lithuanian First Names

Today's discussion deals with "Lithuanian First Names" a brief introduction -

Hear our radio broadcasts from "The Lithuanians Voice" - Lietuviu Balsas as we continue to expand our efforts and bring our resources to your attention. Learn more about Lithuania, its culture and heritage.

Hear our radio broadcasts, mostly music, featuring Lithuanian entertainers, from our website.

TLTV tab - The Lithuanians Voice radio broadcasts

The Lithuanians: Part 19 Interesting History of Lithuania 1905 - 1918 February 16

# 19 Idomioji Lietuvos Istorija 1905 - 1918 Vasario 16

Part 19 Interesting History of Lithuania 1905 - 1918 February 16

Friday, August 14, 2009

The Lithuanians: Panorama NEWS

Panorama - NEWS - 8:28 PM - Friday - Vilnius, Lithuania Evening News program. Feature story: Complete News cast, just the news. See the newscast at our website,"The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab - with FULL VIEW Option. SEE the latest broadcast available at [the complete broadcast will be aired the next day in the AM
from Studio "B"

The Lithuanians: Part 18 Interesting History of Lithuania 1864 - 1904

18Idomioji Lietuvos Istorija 1864 - 1904

Part 18 Interesting History of Lithuania 1864 - 1904

The Lithuanians: Labas Rytas - Good Morning

Weekend Edition

Labas Rytas - Good Morning: -. Friday..Lithuania's Morning Show with NEWS, Weather, Musical Interludes, special subjects and the unexpected.....Seen at LABA DIENA - GOOD DAY .. FULL VIEW Option at our website, the entire program"The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab-

. Studio "B"

The Lithuanians: Panorama NEWS

Panorama - NEWS - 8:28 PM - Thursday - Vilnius, Lithuania Evening News program. Feature story: Complete News cast, just the news. See the newscast at our website,"The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab - with FULL VIEW Option. SEE the latest broadcast available at [the complete broadcast will be aired the next day in the AM
from Studio "B"

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Lithuanians: Raseiniai one of Lithuania's 60 Cities and Towns- Raseiniai Memorial

Raseiniai one of Lithuania's 60 Cities and Towns

Raseiniai Memorial

The Lithuanians: Kaunas one of Lithuania's 60 Cities And Towns

Kaunas one of Lithuania's 60 Cities And Towns

Klaipeda one of Lithuania's 60 Cities and Town

Klaipeda one of Lithuania's 60 Cities and Town

The Lithuanians: Palanga one of Lithuania's 60 Cities And Towns

Palanga one of Lithuania's 60 Cities And Towns

The Lithuanians: Vilnius one of Lithuania's 60 Cities And Towns

Vilnius one of Lithuania's 60 Cities And Towns

The Lithuanians: Danute Mileika Mezzo Soprano and Edmund Saulius Cibas Piano

Danute Mileika Mezzo Soprano and
Edmund Saulius Cibas Piano
Daug Pavasariu- Many Springs

From the Boston Area

The Lithuanians: The Lithuanians Voice - a Flashback


This is a message from December 6, 2007, but it still applies to a certain degree as a flashback. So, see we are trying - more to come.
.We will dig up a few more to share - even some old advertisements - some are GREAT!

The Lithuanians: Well the Big "IT" happened - Crash

Hello / Labas
Well, it happened. You know the big "IT"
The main computer crashed and it is "kaput" for now.
My backup does not have all the tools needed to operate at 100%. Just wanted you to know of this impact. Some of what you have seen before may not show up for a while.
However, don't despair -"The Best is Yet To Come" Geriause Dalis Ateitije.
Alternatives are possible just as the last few posts. WE WILL continue using our best options.
, and solve this operational inconvenience.
PANORAMA and LABAS RYTAS full broadcasts: There will be an attempt to update these programs on our website at the NEWS tab.
Sorry for the inconvenience - maybe this will be a good opportunity to browse our website many areas have been updated - many will be updated as the process is on going.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Lithuanians: Meet Joe Janush and hear the song Kaimas Pamirstas Visai

song "Kaimas Pamirstas Visai" - The Village is Completely Forgotten

Meet one of THE LITHUANIANS, Joe Janush from Hot Springs , Arkansas in his own words

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Hello Raymond:

Here is the picture you requested.

I am 80 years old, American born of Lithuanian parents.
They emigrated from Varniai area to Chicago in the early 1900s.
Our family name was Janusas but was changed by officials
when my father entered the U.S.

After living in many places (work related) I retired 17 years
ago to Arkansas together with Georgia, my wife for 52 years.
We have a daughter teaching in a local school and a son
teaching in Indonesia.

I enjoy learning about my Lithuanian heritage and congratulate
you on your efforts to provide so much information in one place.
You should have thousands of subscribers

Joe Janush

The Lithuanians: Panorama NEWS

Panorama - NEWS - 8:28 PM - Wednesday - Vilnius, Lithuania Evening News program. Feature story: Complete News cast, just the news. See the newscast at our website,"The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab - with FULL VIEW Option. SEE the latest broadcast available at [the complete broadcast will be aired the next day in the AM }

The Lithuanians: Džaiva - Jive 1976 -Golden Oldie

Džaiva - Jive 1976

Golden Oldie from Lithuania,

Silhouette Dance Video [ 1:36 ]

The Lithuanians: Part 17 - Interesting History of Lithuania 1795 - 1812

017 - Idomioji Lietuvos Istorija 1795 - 1812

Part 17 - Interesting History of Lithuania 1795 - 1812

  • [Subscribe]

The Lithuanians: Language Lesson: CAT - KATĖ

The cat is playing with a ball of yarn. Katė žaidžia su siulių kamuolių.

ball = kamuolys
yarn = siulai

The Lithuanians: Labas Rytas - Good Morning

Labas Rytas - Good Morning: -. Tuesday..Lithuania's Morning Show with NEWS, Weather, Musical Interludes, special subjects and the unexpected.....Seen at LABA DIENA - GOOD DAY .. FULL VIEW Option at our website, the entire program"The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab-

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Lithuanians: Panorama NEWS

Panorama - NEWS - 8:28 PM - Tuesday - Vilnius, Lithuania Evening News program. Feature story: Complete News cast, just the news. See the newscast at our website,"The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab - with FULL VIEW Option. SEE the latest broadcast available at [the complete broadcast will be aired the next day in the AM }

The Lithuanians: Labas Rytas - Good Morning

Labas Rytas - Good Morning: -. Tuesday..Lithuania's Morning Show with NEWS, Weather, Musical Interludes, special subjects and the unexpected.....Seen at LABA DIENA - GOOD DAY .. FULL VIEW Option at our website, the entire program"The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab-

Monday, August 10, 2009

The Lithuanians: Language Lesson: Slideshow Airplane- Lėktuvas

Airplane - Lėktuvas

Did you ever wish that someone would make flash cards to help in language lessons and add audio so you could see the object, read the text and hear the spoken word in English and Lithuanian?
Well, here is just the Lithuanian Language Lesson you have been looking for.

The Lithuanians: Panorama NEWS

Panorama - NEWS - 8:28 PM - Monday - Vilnius, Lithuania Evening News program. Feature story: Complete News cast, just the news. See the newscast at our website,"The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab - with FULL VIEW Option. SEE the latest broadcast available at [the complete broadcast will be aired the next day in the AM }

The Lithuanians: Nidos Gintaras - Nidas's Amber - Golden Oldies of Lithuania

Nidos Gintaras - Nidas's Amber 1971

Music Video on the Baltic Shore of Nida, Lithuania

The Lithuanians: Mother's Name 1971 -Days of the Golden Oldies in Lithuania

Motinos Vardas - Mothers' Name 1971

Music Video - Golden Oldie from Lithuania

The Lithuanians: Introduction to the Days of the Golden Oldies in Lithuania

Introduction to Old Music Videos

from the days of the Golden Oldies in Lithuania

The Lithuanians: Language Lesson - CAMEL - KUPRANUGARIS

The camel can travel very far without water.

Kupranugaris gali labai toli nueiti be vandens.

kupra = hump
nugara = back
labai = very
toli =far
eiti = go, walk
nueiti = travel
Do you notice how the word got put together for camel.

The Lithuanians: Part 16 - Interesting History of Lithuania 1797, 1830 and 1863

016 - Idomioji Lietuvos Istorija 1794, 1830 ir 1863

Part 16 - Interesting History of Lithuania 1797, 1830 and 1863

The Lithuanians: Labas Rytas - Good Morning

Labas Rytas - Good Morning: -. Monday..Lithuania's Morning Show with NEWS, Weather, Musical Interludes, special subjects and the unexpected.....Seen at LABA DIENA - GOOD DAY .. FULL VIEW Option at our website, the entire program"The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab-

Sunday, August 09, 2009

The Lithuanians: Language Lesson - Beaver - Bebras

Beaver - Bebras

The beaver scared the tree.
Bebras išgąsdino medį.

Lithuanian Language Animation Project is in a series of animations with Audio for children,those that are young at heart and those desiring to see and hear the spoken word.

The Lithuanians: Panorama NEWS

Panorama - NEWS - 8:28 PM - Sunday - Vilnius, Lithuania Evening News program. Feature story: Complete News cast, just the news. See the newscast at our website,"The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab - with FULL VIEW Option. SEE the latest broadcast available at

The Lithuanians: Radio Broadcast - Featuring Rytis Cicinas

The Lithuanians Voice Radio Broadcast
Featuring Rytis Cicinas -
and a selection of his songs from his album
Padovanosiu Tau - A Gift to You
At out TLTV tab
Become a MEMBER, Supporter of THE LITHUANIANS

The Lithuanians: PART 15 Interesting History of Lithuania 1669 - 1795

015 - Idomioji Lietuvos Istorija 1669 - 1795

PART 15 Interesting History of Lithuania 1669 - 1795

Saturday, August 08, 2009

The Lithuanians: Panorama NEWS

Panorama - NEWS - 8:28 PM - Saturday - Vilnius, Lithuania Evening News program. Feature story: Complete News cast, just the news. See the newscast at our website,"The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab - with FULL VIEW Option. SEE the latest broadcast available at

The Lithuanians: Language Lesson - BEAR - MEŠKA

Here sits the bear. Eating
.Čia sėdi meška. Ėda
Lithuanian Language Animation Project is in a seriesof animations with Audio for children,those that are young at heart and those desiring to see and hear the spoken word.

Friday, August 07, 2009

The Lithuanians: Panorama NEWS

Panorama - NEWS - 8:28 PM - Friday - Vilnius, Lithuania Evening News program. Feature story: Complete News cast, just the news. See the newscast at our website,"The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab - with FULL VIEW Option. SEE the latest broadcast available at

The Lithuanians: Šaltibarščiai - Cold Beet Soup

Šaltibarščiai - Cold Beet Soup

OK! Bored! Ready for some refreshment!

Then try this Lithuanian Cold Soup! HMMmmmmm GOOOOOoooood!!

A natural cool and refreshing Lithuanian Soup that will surprise your taste buds if you never experienced this soup before.

. This is great for a hot day, but I have had it year round as a noon time soup with boiled or fried potatoes.

. A small bowl as part of a multi course meal or a large bowl for a cool meal. Tastes even better the next day cooled over night, if there is any left over.

The Lithuanians: PART14 Interesting History of Lithuania 1587 - 1668

014 - Idomioji Lietuvos Istorija 1587 - 1668

PART 14 Interesting History of Lithuania 1587 - 1668

The Lithuanians: Labas Rytas - Good Morning

See a clip from this morning

Labas Rytas - Good Morning: -. Friday..Lithuania's Morning Show with NEWS, Weather, Musical Interludes, special subjects and the unexpected.....Seen at LABA DIENA - GOOD DAY .. FULL VIEW Option at our website, the entire program"The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab-

Thursday, August 06, 2009

The Lithuanians: Meet Ruta and hear the song "Palangos Juroj"

Song "Palangos Juroj" -By Palanaga's Sea [shore]

Meet one of THE LITHUANIANS - Ruta Aviziene from Vilnius Lithuania
She is a happy person. Likes traveling very much, talking to people, finding new friends all over the world. Enjoys helping out. Write poems, short novels when inspiration hits her. Hopes that the first book of poems will arrive very soon (written in Lithuanian). And enjoys photography
Also, loves Lithuania's seacoast and visits Palanga and the seashore whenever she can in the Summer months'

The Lithuanians: Panorama NEWS

Panorama - NEWS - 8:28 PM - Thursday - Vilnius, Lithuania Evening News program. Feature story: News in brief.See the newscast at our website,"The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab - with FULL VIEW Option.SEE the latest broadcast available at

The Lithuanians: PART13 Interesting History of Lithuania 1569 - 1586

013 - Idomioji Lietuvos Istorija 1569 - 1586

PART13 Interesting History of Lithuania 1569 - 1586

The Lithuanians: Labas Rytas - Good Morning

See a clip from this morning

Labas Rytas - Good Morning: -. Thursday..Lithuania's Morning Show with NEWS, Weather, Musical Interludes, special subjects and the unexpected.....Seen at LABA DIENA - GOOD DAY .. FULL VIEW Option at our website, the entire program
"The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab-

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

The Lithuanians: Panorama NEWS

Panorama - NEWS - 8:28 PM - Wednesday - Vilnius, Lithuania Evening News program. Feature story: News in brief.See the newscast at our website,"The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab - with FULL VIEW Option.SEE the latest broadcast available at

The Lithuanians: Aštuonnytis - Song and Dance by ensemble "Lietuva"

Aštuonnytis - Song and Dance by ensemble "Lietuva"

Lithuanian Folk Song and Dance

The Lithuanians: Meet Kostas Bieliunas and hear the song "Klumpekojis"

Song Klumpekojis
Meet one of THE LITHUANIANS - Kostas Bieliunas, Welland, Ontario, CANADA
Kostas came to Canada after World War II at about the age of 7. His father ran a farm located near Niagara Falls, Welland Port Colborne and St. Catharines. This was the gathering place for Lithuanians for decades. Scouts, picnics, celebrations of all kinds, even had Cardinal McWiggen came to the farm. He danced with the Hamilton Gyvataras folk dance group for nearly 10 years and met a lot of fellow Lithuanians.
Klumpekojis - Wooden shoe - could have been a folk dance that Kostas danced too.

The Lithuanians: Kur Bega Šešupė - from Lithuania's 1,000 year Song Festival

Kur Bega Šešupė - Animation and Song Fifth Segment

"Day Six" to Lithuania's 1,000 year Song Festival
.in Vilnius Lithuania
JULY 6, 2009
.Fifth Segment

-Brought to you by "The Lithuanians Voice"
Spread Lietuvyve - That Lithuanian Spirit - Tell someone

The Lithuanians: PART 12 Interesting History of Lithuania 1430 - 1572

012 - Idomioji Lietuvos Istorija 1430 - 1572

PART 12 Interesting History of Lithuania 1430 - 1572

The Lithuanians: Labas Rytas - Good Morning

See a clip from this morning

Labas Rytas - Good Morning: -. Tuesday..Lithuania's Morning Show with NEWS, Weather, Musical Interludes, special subjects and the unexpected.....Seen at LABA DIENA - GOOD DAY .. FULL VIEW Option at our website, the entire program

"The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab-

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

The Lithuanians; Panorama NEWS

Panorama - NEWS - 8:28 PM - Tuesday - Vilnius, Lithuania Evening News program. Feature story: News in brief.See the newscast at our website,"The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab - with FULL VIEW Option.SEE the latest broadcast available at

The Lithuanians: Someone sent me this video, but I Forgot

Someone sent me this video, but I Forgot who!

The Lithuanians: Part 11 Interesting History of Lithuania 1387 - 1429

011 - Idomioji Lietuvos Istorija 1387 - 1429

Part 11 Interesting History of Lithuania 1387 - 1429

The Lithuanians: Labas Rytas - Good Morning

See a clip from this morning

Labas Rytas - Good Morning: -. Tuesday..Lithuania's Morning Show with NEWS, Weather, Musical Interludes, special subjects and the unexpected.....Seen at LABA DIENA - GOOD DAY .. FULL VIEW Option at our website,"The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab-

The Lithuanians: Panorama NEWS

Panorama - NEWS - 8:28 PM - Monday - Vilnius, Lithuania Evening News program. Feature story: News in brief.See the newscast at our website,"The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab - with FULL VIEW Option.
SEE the latest broadcast available at

Monday, August 03, 2009

The Lithuanians: Part 10 - Interesting History of Lithuania 1387 - 1413

010 - Idomioji Lietuvos Istorija 1387 - 1413

Part 10 - Interesting History of Lithuania 1387 - 1413

The Lithuanians: Labas Rytas - Good Morning

See a clip from this morning

Labas Rytas - Good Morning: -. Monday..Lithuania's Morning Show with NEWS, Weather, Musical Interludes, special subjects and the unexpected.....Seen at LABA DIENA - GOOD DAY .. FULL VIEW Option at our website,"The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab-

Sunday, August 02, 2009

The Lithuanians: Panorama NEWS

Panorama - NEWS - 8:28 PM - Sunday - Vilnius, Lithuania Evening News program.Feature story: News in brief.See the newscast at our website,"The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab - with FULL VIEW Option

SEE the latest broadcast available at

.in Full View Option at our website..Panorama NEWS from Vilnius, Lithuania - via satellite and our NEW server.

The Lithuanians: Radio Broadcast - Featuring Virgis Stakenas

Virgis Stakenas - Radio Labas
The Lithuanians Voice Radio Broadcast
Hear a selection of songs by Virgis
and get in the mood to travel to Lietuva.
Become a MEMBER, Supporter of THE LITHUANIANS

The Lithuanians: PART 9 Interesting History of Lithuania 1295 - 1385

009 - Idomioji Lietuvos Istorija 1295 - 1385

PART 9 Interesting History of Lithuania 1295 - 1385

Saturday, August 01, 2009

The Lithuanians: Panorama NEWS

Panorama - NEWS - 8:28 PM - Saturday - Vilnius, Lithuania Evening News program.Feature story: News in brief.See the newscast at our website,"The Lithuanians" - NEWS tab - with FULL VIEW Option

.SEE the latest broadcast available at
.in Full View Option at our website..Panorama NEWS from Vilnius, Lithuania - via satellite and our NEW server.

The Lithuanians: Meet Bill Miller - Ant Kalno Mūrai

Ant Kalno Mūrai - a Lithuanian folk song

Meet Bill Miller of "The Lithuanians" from Agawam Massachusetts

The Lithuanians: Part 8 Interesting History of Lithuania 1263 - 1295

008 - Idomioji Lietuvos Istorija 1263 - 1295

PART 8 Interesting History of Lithuania 1263 - 1295