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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Cepelinai - Zepplins PART 1 from Rasa's Kitchen

Cepelinai - Zepplins PART 1 from Rasa's Kitchen

Cepelinai (singular - cepelinas) or Didžkukuliai are a Lithuanian national dish. Its Cepelinai, because you don't [can't]eat just one.
They are a type of dumpling made from grated potatoes and usually stuffed with minced meat, although sometimes dry cottage cheese or mushrooms are used instead.

So named because their shape resembles that of a Zeppelin airship, cepelinai are typically around 10–20 cm long, although the size depends on where they are made: in the western counties of Lithuania cepelinai are made bigger than in the east.

After boiling, the cepelinai are served with sour cream or sour cream sauce and bacon or pork rinds

NEXT: Part 2

The Lithuanians

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